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OBJECTS RECOGNITION Web of science Результаты: 12147
Data mining methodology employing artificial intelligence and a probabilistic approach for energy-efficient structural health monitoring with noisy and delayed signals
V. Schetinin, Valentina Zharkova, A . Brazhnikov, S. I. Zharkov, Emanuele Salerno, Luigi Bedini, Ercan E.Kuruoglu, Anna Tonazzini, Damjan Zazula, Boris Cigale, Hiroyuki Yoshida SCOPUS
A Simulation Model for the Cognitive Function of Static Objects Recognition Based on Machine-Learning Multi-agent Architectures Nagoev, Z., Pshenokova, I., Gurtueva, I., Bzhikhatlov, K.
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-47518-7_4 Advanced Feature Recognition and Classification Using Artificial Intelligence Paradigms V. Schetinin, Prof. Valentina Zharkova… in Artificial Intelligence in Recognition and… (2007)
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN OBJECTS RECOGNITION Муравьева Е.А., Сагдатуллин А.М., Емекеев А.А. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21408101