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Тема: Brain neuroimplants
Ключевые слова:
Neuro implants
Neuro chip
Neuro interface

1. The neurochip: a new multi electrode device for stimulating and recording from cultured neurons
журнал - Journal of Neuroscience Methods
PUBLISHER: Elsevier IF - 2.39 H-INDEX 168

2. Electronic and Ionic Materials for Neuro interfaces
журнал - Volume 28, Issue12 Special Issue: Advanced Functional Materials Solutions to Engineering the Neural Interface. IF - 18.8 H-INDEX 349

3.Comparative neuro tissue engineering using different nerve guide implants
журнал - How to Improve the Results of Peripheral Nerve Surgery
Editors: H. Millesi, R. Schmidhammer IF H-INDEX

4.Synthetic Nerve Guide Implants in Humans: A Comprehensive Survey
журнал - Neurosurgery
PUBLISHER Lippincott Williams & Wilkins IF - 5,315 H-INDEX 215

5.The neurochip BCI: towards a neural prosthesis for upper limb function
журнал - IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
PUBLISHER: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IF 4,9 H-INDEX 155

1. Biodegradable implant made from magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy and method for the production thereof
The subject matter of the patent application relates to a magnesium alloy and to a method for the production thereof and to the use thereof, the magnesium alloy comprising: up to 6.0% by weight Zn, and preferably 2.0 to 4.0% by weight Zn, 2.0 to 10.0% by weight Al, and preferably 3.0 to 6.0% by weight Al, where % by weight Al >= % by weight Zn shall apply, the remainder being magnesium containing impurities, which promote electrochemical potential differences and/or the formation of precipitations and/or intermetallic phases, in a total amount of no more than 0.0063% by weight of Fe, Si, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zr, Y, Sc or rare earths having the ordinal numbers 21, 57 to 71 and 89 to 103, Be, Cd, In, Sn and/or Pb as well as P, wherein the matrix of the alloy is solid solution hardening due to Al and An and is also particle hardening due to the intermetallic phases formed of Mg and Al.

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