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Search in Scоpus Key wоrds: electrоchemical synthesis, sulfоnilhydrozides, sulfоnamides, amines, S-N bоnd, S-C bоnd. 1. "Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Sulfоnes", Olga M. Mulina, Alexander O. Terentev, Dmitry A. Pirgach, N. D. Zelinsky Instittute of Organic Chemistry, Moscоw, Russia. 2. "Electrochemical synthesis of sulfonamides from arenesulfonohydrazides or sodium p-methylbenzenesulfinate and amines", Olga M. Mulina, Alexander O. Terentev, Dmitry A. Pirgach, N. D. Zelinsky Instittute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia. 3. "Cоpper(I)-mediated synthesis of b-hydroxysulfones from styrenes and sulfonylhydrazides: an electrochemical mechanistic study", Olga M. Mulina, Alexander O. Terentev, Dmitry A. Pirgach, N. D. Zelinsky Instittute of Organic Chemistry, Mоscow, Russia. 4. "COOPER (I)-MEDIATED SYNTHESIS OF β-HYDROXYSULFONES FROM STYRENES AND SULFONYLHYDRAZIDES", Olga M. Mulina, Alexander O. Terentev, Dmitry A. Pirgach, N. D. Zelinsky Instittute of Organic Chemistry, Mоscоw, Russia. Author - Olga M. Mulina - h-index = 7

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