Wiki Царёв
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Математические формулы
Однородное линейное ду в частных производных 1-го порядка
Mathematically, to ensure that the spacing after evaluating is proportional to the spacing prior to that evaluation, if is and our new triplet of points is , , and , then we want
However, if is and our new triplet of points is , , and , then we want
Eliminating c from these two simultaneous equations yields
where φ is the golden ratio:
The appearance of the golden ratio in the proportional spacing of the evaluation points is how this search algorithm gets its name.
Химическая формула
Получение метана:
- <chem>2 NaOH + CH3COOH -> Na2CO3 + H2O + CH4 ^</chem>
Программный код
<source lang="go"> Структуры в Golang
package main import "fmt"
type person struct{
name string age int
func main() {
var tom = person {name: "Tom", age: 24} fmt.Println( // Tom fmt.Println(tom.age) // 24 tom.age = 38 // изменяем значение fmt.Println(, tom.age) // Tom 38
} </source>
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">
import math
invphi = (math.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2 # 1 / phi
invphi2 = (3 - math.sqrt(5)) / 2 # 1 / phi^2
def gssrec(f, a, b, tol=1e-5, h=None, c=None, d=None, fc=None, fd=None):
"""Golden-section search, recursive.
Given a function f with a single local minimum in the interval [a, b], gss returns a subset interval [c, d] that contains the minimum with d-c <= tol.
Example: >>> f = lambda x: (x - 2) ** 2 >>> a = 1 >>> b = 5 >>> tol = 1e-5 >>> (c, d) = gssrec(f, a, b, tol) >>> print (c, d) 1.9999959837979107 2.0000050911830893 """
(a, b) = (min(a, b), max(a, b)) if h is None: h = b - a if h <= tol: return (a, b) if c is None: c = a + invphi2 * h if d is None: d = a + invphi * h if fc is None: fc = f(c) if fd is None: fd = f(d) if fc < fd: # fc > fd to find the maximum return gssrec(f, a, d, tol, h * invphi, c=None, fc=None, d=c, fd=fc) else: return gssrec(f, c, b, tol, h * invphi, c=d, fc=fd, d=None, fd=None)